Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Adventures in Gluten Free

Recently we have undertaken a new adventure in our house.
We have gone Gluten Free.
More specifically: Cole has gone gluten free.

He has been having stomach problems and other symptoms
for quite some time.
We finally narrowed down his symptoms and decided to 
do the elimination diet to see if this was the issue.

It has been a bit of a learning curve for this ol' Mom
to figure out what he can and can't eat.

First of all, we know that gluten is the protein contained in wheat,
so anything with wheat is out:
breads and pastas are the major items.
But gluten is hidden all over the place.
I was making a hash brown casserole this weekend and found that 
my regular brand of frozen hash browns contain wheat - What?

I've begun to follow a few gluten free blogs, but as my adventure continues
I may throw out recipes that work for us on here as well.
So here goes: my adventure into food blogging.....

Who says gluten free has to taste icky?

I love fall & look forward to breaking out my crock pot.
I went yesterday to pick up our half-cow,
so now we've got a freezer full of meat baby!

This crock pot o' goodness is easy.
Toss the meat in with a little salt, pepper & chopped garlic.
Beef broth, about a cup
I use this Pacific brand because it's organic & gluten free.
Then I dump in a container of Pacific brand cream of whatever.
This time I used cream of chicken because it's what I had.
Mushroom is good too.
Then the veggies go in
1/2 onion, mushrooms & carrots.
I don't do potatoes because I think they get mushy.
You could though.
Sometimes I toss celery in, but we didn't have any today.
8 hours on low
one work day...
swimming lessons....
cross country meet
and then we come home to dinner ready to eat.


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

If The Shoe Fits...

Stella has always been a big fan of fun shoes.
About this time last year she had a pair
of shiny black mary janes that she insisted on wearing
with everything. 
Dresses, yoga pants,
didn't matter.

Lately she has gotten into trying on other people's shoes.
Here are a few shots form the past couple of weeks.

Cole's shoes

2 different shoes

And Mom's shiny black shoes.

She stomps all around the house in these. 
I'm thinking she's going to be "that girl...." 
The one with all of the fantastic shoes.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Bennett's Home Makeover

This isn't so much a Cole & Stella post
as it is a Jim & Nola post.

So we bought our house in April 2011
and we've basically been living with the most
disgusting master bathroom on the face of the planet
since that time.

Other than the tile floor
it had not been updated since the house was built in 1988.

See that awesome gold shower door.

And the very nice peachy-tan counter top
and tile backsplash.
The previous owners were big fans of the peachy-tan.

Oh, and the sunken medicine cabinet.
And the lovely builder grade mirror.

Yeah, we couldn't take it anymore.

So we updated it. 

Here's our new bathroom. 
Much more comfy.
With a nice clean, white counter top
and cool glass tiles.

Jim and I are a pretty good home makeover team.

And now I don't cringe whenever I walk in here.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Oh, Hi- Yes I Still Have a Blog

 Oh, so I'm supposed to update this blog manually.
It doesn't just read my mind and immediately
post on my behalf. 
Well, that's problematic because
these two

are clearly keeping me on my toes.

So what have we been up to?
Well, Cole is just wrapping up swimming season.

He has never swam (swum?) competitively before
but he has some buddies who are swimmers and they
talked him into joining the team. 
He wasn't sure how he would like it at first
but he ended up really enjoying himself
and getting a lot of praise from the coaches for his great team spirit.

He learned a lot too.
So did we. 

Like- those jammers are really tiny
and it's very strange to look at your 16 year old child wearing 
shorts that are smaller than Stella's pants.
And swim meets are really hot
And Stella sits really good for about 3 races

And then she basically loses her mind
and makes us feel like we're wrestling a monkey
for the rest of the meet.

Pretty sure next year we will all be better prepared.