Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sometimes Parenting Is Not Pretty

Yesterday I needed a mulligan.

I  like to think of myself as a capable person in most situations, especially when it comes to parenting. Yesterday was one of those days that caused me to question my capabilies.

All day long it just seemed like I couldn't quite get it together, and by the middle of the afternoon Stella got in on the game, and thought it would be fun to try to stress her mom out.

First thing in the morning, as we're doing Stella's bath, I realized once I had gotten her in the water that I had forgotten to grab a washcloth. I ended up using a paper towel to clean my baby. I was either that or a dish cloth that I'm pretty sure was not clean. Oh well, no harm. 

Then Stella went with me as I went for my 6-week postpartum doctor appointment. She was happily snoozing as we sat in the waiting room, and even in the exam room while we waited for the doctor. Of course she woke up when the doctor arrived and fussed through most of the appointment, then spit up on herself. Perfect.

Next we had about an hour before we needed to get Cole from school. We ran to the grocery store to grab a sandwich for lunch since it was almost 2:00 and I just realized I hadn't eaten any lunch. I figured we could just sit at Cole's school, I could eat my sandwich, before I needed to feed Stella. Well, Stella had other plans. I got a few bites of my sandwich and then she was not interested in waiting any longer, so I fed her. As anyone who has taken care of an infant knows- when something goes in, something else must come out- so now I have to attempt my first diaper change in the car. Oh, and to add to the challenge we had a blow out, so not only is Miss Stella sitting in a poopy diaper, but she also has poop halfway up her back- Neat!!!!

Ok, I can handle this. Remember, I'm capable.

I decide the back seat is the best place to attempt this diaper change. I don't know why I thought this. For the record- the back seat of a Honda Civic is a BAD place to change an infant. I manage to get Stella's onesie and shirt off without a complete poop disaster, and thankfully I have a sleeper in the diaper bag to put on her. As I take her diaper off, oh awesome- she is peeing!

Now, if anyone tells you that boy babies are the only gender who can spray their mothers with pee, I now have evidence that this statement is incorrect. Luckily I still had the onesie close- so it ended up doubling as a shield. About this time, I hear the bell ring at the middle school so here is my daughter naked in the backseat of the car, covered in poop and urine and there are middle school students walking by and saying "Oh cute, look at the baby." Yep kids, real cute!

At this point I'm thinking that any of these middle schoolers is far more capable to handle this situation than I am, but no one is stopping to help, so I soldier on. I manage to get my baby reasonably clean and clothed right about the time that Cole walks up. Thankfully he is smiling! Good- at least one of my kids is happy. He holds Stella for me as I gather up her messy clothes and throw them in a bag. I just want to get home, so I figure I can deal with the wet changing pad later- right about that time I notice that Cole has set his book bag on the still wet changing pad- Gross.

We manage to get home without further incident, but my confidence in my parenting skills is completely shattered. I immediately hand Stella off to her Dad when I get home- at this point, I needed rescue. Turns out my rescue comes from a most unexpected place. As Cole is cleaning out his lunch box- he says: "Mom, you make the best pasta salad." And I'm back. Healed. Confidence Restored. Saved.

Now it's time to make dinner.....

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