Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Bennett "No Sleep Situation"

We're in a sleep funk at our house!
And Jim and I are walking around like zombies.

We were doing so good!
Just a few short weeks ago we had Stella sleeping
in her crib, with only one overnight feeding.
Sometimes she would go to sleep around 9 PM and sleep until 5 AM.
That's do-able.
And then ....
she got sick, and we moved her back into our room
and we can't seem to get our sleep back.

We have tried getting her back to her crib,
but she gets congested when we lay her
flat on her back.
I know we can prop the crib mattress up a little bit
but we tried that, and then I went in and found her slid
clear down in her crib and her head was covered
with a blanket.
I know you're not supposed to use a blanket in the crib
but I feel like she must be cold if I don't.

My rational self is completely gone now!
I think it's because I'm not getting any sleep.

The last 2 days at daycare she has been sleeping a lot.
Yesterday her daycare sheet told me that she slept from
9:30-11:15 (1 hour 45 minutes)
12:30-2:00 (1 1/2 hours)
2:35-3:10 (35 minutes)
3:30-4:15 (45 minutes)

Well, there's your problem!!!!

Yes, she is sleeping away her days at daycare and then
giving us fits at night.
Last night we finally got her to sleep about midnight.
Actually, to be more accurate, Jim got her to sleep about midnight.
I couldn't hang.
And I figured that I would have to get up to do her
overnight feeding, so I let him take the "early shift."

To compound our no-sleep problem,
Stella has come to expect some specific soothing techniques.
Jim used to get frustrated because he felt that he wasn't able to soothe
her quite like I could.
She likes to be snuggled up close, and she tucks her head into my neck.
That doesn't work so well with a Daddy who has whiskers.
So Jim started to do "the walk."
You know "the walk"
Every parent knows "the walk"
The thing that you try when nothing else soothes your sleepy child.
The next step after "the walk" is "the drive"

You know, this drive:

Well, we had never done "the walk" with Stella before
so she didn't know that "the walk" was an option.
Now "the walk" is all she wants.
I think that poor man walked about 5 miles with Stella last night,
and didn't ever make it out of our room.
I hate "the walk"
I can't do it.
My arm gets tired of holding her.
Plus I miss the snuggle time.
But she wants it, and fights sleep until she gets it.

So we're in a funk.
I hope tonight is better.

I miss this girl!

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