Monday, January 17, 2011

4 Months!

Stella is 4 Months Old today!

She's got lots of new tricks these days!
She loves to smile, and hands them out quite regularly these days.
She's also found her voice lately.
She likes to scream.
I don't mean scream like cry-
I mean scream like squeal.
I love that she's vocalizing, but not sure I'm fond of the scream.

She's holding her head up by herself almost all the time now.
She much prefers to be sitting upright than laying down.

She likes to look at books with Daddy.
I think she likes the enthusiastic way that he tells the stories.

All of these new activities really wipe her out!

She's also become quite drooly lately
so as you can see, she regularly wears a new accessory
a bib.

She got a new toy the other day too.
An exersaucer.
She LOVES it!
I tried to upload a video, but it wasn't working.
I'll try again tomorrow.

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