Thursday, January 6, 2011

Wheels Bennett

I kinda miss that girl.

Wheels was the nickname that we called Stella before she was born.
People thought that we were being secretive by not telling the name before she was born.
This was only partially true.
We had decided to keep her name a surprise,
but we also didn't decide on a name until about a week before she was born.
We just didn't pull her name out of thin air, we had it narrowed down to two.
But in the meantime, we called her Wheels.

We used Wheels so much that it actually ended up on the cake from our Baby Shower BBQ.
I love it, and I miss Baby Wheels.

Now that Stella is Stella, we don't call her Wheels anymore.
I like it though and I want to bring it back.
I did a lot of daydreaming about the girl that Miss Wheels would become.
Now she's here and there's not much time for daydreams.

But I sure love the girl that she is becoming!

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